Chasing The Dragon – Update

I today had a meeting with Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, where I highlighted my concerns regarding the conduct of HMRC in respect of The Rangers Tax Case.

In particular, during the course of that meeting, I made reference to Section 98 of Lord Nimmo Smith’s report where he appears to indicate that the material passed on to BBC Scotland and other parties, was in fact stolen evidence and thus the appropriation of this material as well as the receiving and retaining of same, constituted a number of criminal acts, which to date, no person appears to have been charged. Furthermore certain agencies appear to have failed in their public duty to report such crimes.

Mr Fitzpatrick promised to investigate the matter, and in particular look into the matters raised, and write to the authorities concerned.

I shall of course, keep you all updated on this progress.

If any of you are wondering why I pursued this via the Scottish Parliament Representative for my constituency rather than the Westminster one, the answer is quite simple. My Westminster representative is one of the few people who supported Galloway’s Early Day Motion 913 accusing our club of deliberately side stepping our tax liabilities.

Yours in Rangers
